"Our mission is that African people gain a better insight into their experiences of living abroad, have a positive attitude towards life in the UK, maximise their well-being, feel empowered and enabled to contribute to the host country."

- Warmhut

Social impact

At Warm Hut, our mission is to empower people from all communities across Salford and Greater Manchester. Whether we are working with women, children or men, we identify your needs and help you.

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About Us

Organisation formed in 2009 by a group of women who were asylum seekers and refugees living in Salford. The charity now has a wider remit of helping African people especially women and girls overcome social barriers they face beyond immigration status and to get the most from living in the UK.

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Our organisation embraces change and we believe that everyone should be given the opportunities and help they need to succeed. Our current international project is based in AFRICA especially in Democratic Republic of Congo.

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